Digital shop update: tax-inclusive pricing

This is hardly the most thrilling update in the history of thrilling updates, but I thought it worth a few words!

You may notice that prices listed in the Weaving Space Digital Shop are now a little bit higher than they were in January, but this is not inflation: it’s a change of system behind the scenes. Lemon Squeezy – the service that I use to bring you digital resources – now allows me to include VAT in the listed price rather than adding it on at the checkout.

A screenshot of the checkout in the digital shop, showing an image of the Two Faces of Twill resource pack and a blank payment form ready to be completed.

The way that it works is that the same total price applies wherever you are and whatever the rate of sales tax is in your country or state. For some of you that will mean you pay a bit less, while others may pay a bit more, so I’ve decided to split the difference with you. Although the ticket price is now higher, it is not in fact as high as the previous price + VAT. Hopefully that will give us all a reasonable place to land!

For now all transactions are still charged in dollars, which is a little frustrating for those of us in the UK, but I know that Lemon Squeezy are working on this. And I’m working on some new ideas for digital products, which I hope to bring you later in the year. If you’d like to stay in touch and hear the latest news, please consider signing up for my newsletter.

Happy Weaving!


New design resources now online

Have you ever wondered what a stripe sounds like?

I started using sound as an inspiration source for weave design when I took part in the Aural Textiles project (2018 – 2021) and the experience has changed the way that I relate to my environment, both as an artist and in my daily life.

It’s a topic that I have recently been sharing in talks and workshops, and I love seeing weavers get excited by the design possibilities that open up for them. In December I wrote a series of emails for my newsletter subscribers introducing some basic techniques for turning sounds into weave.

All that email content, along with several sound recordings and a video tutorial, is now available in the free Weaving Space Resources Hub. If you are not already a subscriber, you can get access to the Hub by signing up for my newsletter here.

Happy weaving!


The Sound of the Sea

The Two Faces of Twill

A New Digital Resource Pack

I’m pleased to be able to share a new resource pack, this time dedicated to pattern-making with double-faced twill. This is a structure I have written about before, first in a pair of blog posts and more recently – and in more depth – in a series of emails. But I wanted scope to share a wider range of resources, so I have created an online home for them all.

The digital resource pack includes an introduction to the principles of double-faced twill in written and audio formats; downloadable drafts presented as printable PDFs as well as WIFs you can edit yourself using weaving software; and even a wee video demonstration of some of the practical points to bear in mind at the loom.

It’s all available now in my digital shop, and I hope you’ll find it a useful guide to get you started with the two faces of twill.

Happy weaving!


Twelve Twills of Christmas

Downloadable drafts and project notes

I must admit that sometimes I get a bit carried away with an idea. The 12 Twills of Christmas is a series of blog posts I first shared some years ago, and since then it has been great to see this small selection of twills taken up by many weavers and turned into beautiful finished projects.

I’ve often been asked whether I could provide downloadable files for these drafts, and this year I finally managed to swing into action! I’ve had a lot of fun compiling project notes, tweaking WIFs and creating a beautiful resource hub to house them all. It’s turned into quite a complex creative project, and made me feel very Christmassy too!

All the original articles are still available to read free right here on my website, but if you want the added extras they are available from my new digital shop for a very modest £12 (plus VAT for some of us, since this is a purely digital product).

You can purchase for yourself, or for someone else, so I hope you’ll find this an enjoyable digital stocking filler for the festive season!

Happy weaving,


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